
問1 (1)c (2)a (3)d (4)b (5)b (6)b

問2 (1)〇 (2)× (3)〇 (4)〇 (5)〇 (6)×

問3 (1)a (2)d (3)c (4)c


問1 (1)c (2)b (3)c (4)b


(1) It means that Japanese people are not surprised by people sleeping on underground trains and even while standing up.

(2) The author is referring to someone who makes the effort to participate in a meeting despite being ill or exhausted and demonstrate such commitment: a sense of responsibility and being willing to make a sacrifice.

問3 (1)f  (2)c (3)b (4)d


問1   (1)What (2)doing (3) free (4) where 


(A) How long are you staying

(B) forward to seeing 


   I support the idea of having robot take over human jobs and roles. I have two reasons to support this. 

   First, robots can make up for the labor shortage. These days some counties have aging populations, so more and more people are retiring from work. Labor shortage is a major problem in these countries. They can work for people with fewer workers instead of humans.

   Second, it makes our lives easier to have robots take over human’s jobs. they can perform jobs that humans cannot or don’t want to do. For example, they are ideal for jobs that are dangerous or require a lot of physical strength. In addition, the number of two-income households is increasing. Parents don’t have much time to do housework, so robots save them a lot of time.

   For these reasons, I agree with the idea that robots work instead of human. This enables us to live rich and comfortable life.