
問1 過去100年間で男性よりも女性の方が長生きしたこと。

問2 ①主に男性に見られた喫煙と飲酒が全体的に減少したこと。



問3 The life expectancy gender gap

問4 A

問5 男性の方が女性よりも生涯獲得賃金が多く,いくつかの点で構造的に有利だが,女性の方が彼らよりも寿命が長かったということ。


問1 彼は涙を流してお金持ちになれるように,悲しくなる方法を見つけた。真珠が増えると,彼の欲も大きくなった。

問2 エ

問3 物語に没頭し,話の展開ごとに表情を変えてくれて,最後の1文が読み上げられると,拍手の真似をして,賞賛の言葉を贈ってくれた点。

問4 涙を流すためなら,奥さんを殺して無理に悲しみを感じなくても,玉ねぎのにおいをかぐだけで十分であること。


Q1 ①audio only

②the illustrated pages of a storybook with an animated cartoon

③an audio voiceover

Q2  C

Q3  D

Q4  言語情報に内容理解のヒントとなるイラストが加わることで,子どもの脳内では言語処理分野の活動が軽減され,観察対象にしていたすべての分野の活動と連携が増加したから。

Q5  D

Q6  B

Q7  A-comprehending  B-shown  C-tie


    In Kanagwa Prefecture, a 77-year-old woman died in the hospital two days after she was hit by a young female cyclist, was knocked down and hit her head hard on the ground.  The girl was riding with a smartphone in one hand and a drink in the other, and an earphone in one ear.  At the time of the collision, she did not seem to be watching out for the traffic and people around her, and to be looking at the screen of the phone.  Therefore, police arrested her, and are looking into whether the accident had been caused by her riding carelessly.

    To avoid such accidents, cyclists should be required to obey the same kind of law as motorists.  Under the law, for example, people are not allowed to use smartphones while driving, and offenders will be legally punished.  The same should be applied to cyclists to raise their awareness of safety rules.  (103 + 51 words)


(1)  The great majority of people in the world do not have to use English in their daily lives.

(2)  Of course, it is important not just to be able to use the first language of every people on the Internet, but also to coexist with various kinds of people speaking many different languages.