


1       最近,私が一緒に仕事をしている映画の撮影班が,騒音が最も少ないはずだと確信を持った場所,広大な野原で撮影することにした。

2       普段ある騒音が撮影の妨げになったときに気に障っただけなので,撮影時だけ運悪く騒音があって邪魔されたとは言えない。(57字)

3       思考,感情,個性を持たない物事が人間に特定な感情を意図的に起こそうとするはずがなく,人間の主観的価値判断に物事が起こる可能性が影響を受けることもありえないから。(80字)

4       ハ

5       ニ

6       ロ

1       出品されたものに最も安い値を付けた人が手にする権利を獲得できるという,通常とは逆の方法で決定されるオークション。(56字)

2       大学教育が受けやすくなり大学教育を受けた人が増えた結果,就職市場における大卒という学歴の価値が低下したこと。(54字)

3       結果として,我々が西洋でしかできないと思っていた物事の多くを今では世界中のどこででもより安く,より高い質ですることができる。

4       ニ

5       ロ

1       stolen                 (She was fully immersed in a movie when she had her bad stolen.)

2       circumstances     (Under no circumstances will I approve what he did.)

3       quitting               (You will never succeed in life without quitting smoking.)

4       sadder                (I found myself to be none the sadder for the second accident.)

5       with                    (It is good that you have so many friends to keep in touch with.)

3  Legalizing same-sax marriage is a good idea in Japan.


    Protecting same-sex couples legally is a good idea in our country.  These days, there is a growing tendency for ordinary people to understand and accept these minorities, which is certainly good for society as a whole.

    Every Japanese citizen must be protected equally under the Constitution.  Therefore, it is wrong for some people not to be ensured legal protection just because of their sexual orientation.  If male-female married couples can receive material benefits, why not male-male couples?  Why not female-female couples?  They are different in sex orientation, and still full members of Japanese society.  This means that they must be provided with the same protection as the majority, no matter who they decide to marry.

    Now more and more local governments, as well as ordinary people, are accepting same-sex couples publicly.  This trend will lead to legalization of same-sex marriage on the national scale, and to a more equal society.