
問1 (A)c  (B)c  (D)a  (D)b  (D)d 

問2 coal-fired power plants

問3 (1)c (2)a (3)a (4)d

問4 (1) 日本政府が非効率な石炭火力発電所のうち約100箇所を2030年まで段階的に廃炉又は一時閉鎖をするという動き。 (2) 非効率な発電所を閉鎖後、石炭火力発電所の減少率はほんの20%に留まると予測されているから。  

問5 日本の再生可能エネルギーにかかる費用は、他の国と比べて高額になる問題 天候に左右される再生可能資源で発電しているため不安定なエネルギー供給になる問題

問6 1 問7 (1)  ○(2)○(3)×(4)×(5)○



問1 (A)d   (B)d  (C)d  (D)c  (E)d  (F)c

問2 (1)d   (2)d  (3)d  (4)a   (5)c

問3 (ア) 同等に等しく当てはまる (イ) 割りに合う/十分に元が取れる

問4 (1) d  (2)g  (3)f  (4)e  (5)a

問5 (1)b   (2)b   (3)a   (4)c   (5)c



問1 (1)enough (2)work (3)noisy (4)dual (5)take (6)short  

問2 (X) d  (Y) d



According to this graph, more and more students in every group say that they do not have a job they want to do.While in junior high school and high school, the percentage of these students has decreased by about 5%, the percentage in elementary school has dropped dramatically by about 10 %. This trend is due to the fact that adults are depriving children of their dreams for the following reason.   First, Japan has been in a recession for a long time. This has made parents and teachers worry about the future of their children. As a result, they tend to encourage their children to get stable jobs instead of unstable jobs such as an athlete.Some parents try to decide their future course, so some of their children will not know what they want to do. This may have a bad effect on their children’s career decisions.