
問1 1つの視点で語られる物語では真実の断片しか示されないため、真実の全体像が明るみに出るのを妨げてしまう。

問2 D

問3 poverty

問4 1つの視点で語られる物語はある集団や文化に対する差別や攻撃の根本的な原因の一つである一連の固定観念を生み出してしまう。

問5 イ−A ウ−B

問6 A, C



問1 C

問2 categories

問3 C

問4 一部先進国での人種差別や移民自身の孤独感や孤立といった、移民することの欠点。

問5 移住は将来的にも避けられないので、世界中で移民の状況を改善する努力が継続的になされることが不可欠である。

問6 A, C, F



Question A
      In the first paragraph, the author introduces the main topic of the passage, which is whether machine translation will make [ foreign language learning unnecessary ] in the future.  In the second paragraph, the author discusses two [ major strengths of machine translation: its ability to translate any block of text, and its speed ].


Question B
      In the third paragraph, sumimasen is mentioned as an example to illustrate machine translation’s shortcomings, namely [ its inability to understand culture and situations of communication ].  


Question C
People will continue to study foreign languages for the following reasons.  First, people who need to use foreign languages every day will find it inconvenient to use machines all the time.  They will not want to talk about work, friends, and dinner with machines.  Instead, they will choose to study themselves.  Second, there will always be people who want to appreciate music and literature in the original language.  When translated into another language, any language loses its delicate nuances. Many music and book lovers will hate this and continue to try to enjoy foreign songs and literature as they are.  (100)



1−H 2−W 3−Q 4−N

5−Z 6−K 7−B 8−C

9−O 10−J 11−T 12−V